Everyone is owed what you are owed. This is kind of an extension to what every child on earth is taught: the golden rule, treat others how you want to be treated. I extend that to a broader societal view. Everyone deserves what you yourself are entitled to. Water to drink, food to eat, a place to live, a feeling of safety, something nice every once in a while. These are things that exist outside of the grey area. These are things that every person, no matter how horrible you believe them to be, deserves. No one deserves to live in fear or uncertainty. We are past that point as a species. Everyone should be helped, because we have the ability to help everyone, and everyone will, at some point or another, need help. Society at large has a responsibility. Not to make as much money as possible or increase the efficiency for the board of directors, but to take care of all who reside within it.

Individualism has done a truly disgusting amount of damage, at least in the United States. Everyone believes that they need a five bedroom home with an acre front lawn for their ugly children to play in, and a truck that's eight feet tall in order to keep those ugly children safe, and god damn the consequences. Those same people look down their noses at you for saying that those same ugly children should receive medical care without the parent going bankrupt, or that they should be given a lunch at school when their family cannot afford it. Now, these people are not dumb, they're misguided. They've been told their whole lives that being poor is a moral failing, rather than a societal one. They truly believe that they are closer to being a rich man than being a man begging for his life on the street.

The sooner the concept of the individual is torn apart, the sooner we can advance past the stage of destroying ourselves and our planet in the name of profit.

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